Regler för Nordiskt Mästerskap
Fastställda av Golden retrieverklubben Sverige, Golden ring Finland, Golden retrieverklubben Danmark och Norsk Retrieverklubb.
Gäller från 2018.
1. Organizing country shall be, in order: Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway
2. As fixed date for the Nordic Championship (NCH) competition shall be:
Priority 1 – first weekend in August
Priority 2 – last weekend in July
The arranging country decides and present the date one year ahead.
3. The NCH will be held as a team competition. Day 1: Nordic Team champion competition.
4. The dogs shall be qualified for the highest class WT, elite class. Exemption can be given by the home country. The level of the championship is elite class.
5. How to allocate the tasks within the team? The team will chose tasks at all stations. An option is given for the host country to decide, wheather the teams could chose the tasks at most or at all stations.
6. Rules for the team competition will be international rules, The IWT.
7. There will be four teams with three persons, from each country. A total of 48 equpages.
8. Teams up to 16 teams totally. The host country will fill up the first free-team, and then asks the other counties in order according to P. 1. The country that did not fill their four teams can not send a free-team. Only Nordic teams.
9. The participants shall be domiciled in the country they represent. The dog shall be registered in the home country.
10. Only golden in the team competition.
11. The names of the teams shall be: The country + number.
12. An invitation shall be sent from the Goldenclub of the organizing country to the Goldenclubs (or equivalent) of the other Nordic countries. A decision should be taken by the Goldenclub of the organizing country, before the invitation is sent.
13. Individual Nordic Champion. It will be up to the host country to decide how to appoint individual Nordic Champion, due to diffrent rules in the four nordic countries.
14. Rules for the competition for individual Nordic Champion will be the host country’s rules. They should be published in English on the host country’s web three months before the competition at the latest. The location, lodging facilities, a preliminary schedule, judges, the test management and commissar should also be presented at the web three months before the competition, at the latest.
15. Classes for individual Nordic Champion: If WT is chosen, all classes should be arranged. If B-test is chosen, elite class must be arranged, other classes is up to the host country to decide.
Goldens only as far as it is possible. When finding the Nordic champion, only goldens from the championship compete. Equipages from other countries than the Nordic countries is not accepted in WT elite class as far as it is possible.
16. Individual Nordic Champion. It will be up to the host country to decide how to appoint. The way to appoint the Individual Nordic Champion should be advertised in the invitation from the host country.
17. Each country will bring one official judge, who is authorized to judge on both team and individual competiotion. The host country provides the additional judges if more than four is needed, as well as general requirements and food and lodging for the judges. Each country covers the travel expenses for their judge.
18. Official language used in information is English.
19. The Rules for NCH will be sent to the Goldenclubs of the four Nordic countries, for an official protocol brought decision. Any changes of the rules will follow the same procedure.
Link to rules for International Working Test – Click » HERE «